Ping Lab | Nano/Bio Interfaces & Applications

May 22 2024

Xiaoyu earns the prestigious Princeton Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship!

Apr 29 2024

We welcome Jiawang to our lab!

Mar 12 2024

Ping Lab rocked and rolled at the March Meeting in Minneapolis!

Mar 04 2024

Xiao's APL paper was selected as a Featured Article and reported in Scilight!

Feb 03 2024

Enhanced detection limit at no cost! Xiao's paper, "On-Chip Microscale Isoelectric Focusing Enhances Protein Detection Limit", has been accepted by APL!

Jan 23 2024

Jinglei is thrilled to receive the NSF CAREER Award!

Oct 16 2023

The Ping Lab went to Seattle for BMES! Also, congratulations to Xiaoyu for receiving the Travel Award for his oral presentation!

Oct 4 2023

Our paper published in PNAS is reported by, Technology Networks, etc.

Sep 20 2023

We are immensely grateful to have been selected as recipients of the MIRA Award from NIGMS!

Sep 1 2023

We are profoundly thankful to have been awarded two grants from the DoD AFOSR!

Aug 07 2023

Xiaoyu's beautiful work on nanomechanoelectrical DNA detection has been published in PNAS!

Jul 06 2023

Jinglei shared our lab's work at Nano Korea.

Apr 6 2023

We are super happy to welcome Diya Asawa to the lab!

Dec 06 2022

Super excited to know that our collaborated paper with Dr. Katsumata's group was accepted by Small! Well done, Claire, Xiao, James, and Xiaoyu!

Jun 29 2022

We are extremely grateful to be receiving the awesome DURIP award from AFOSR!

Jun 17 2022

Precisely controlling the postion of biomolecules and detect them at same processing position? Check Xiao Fan's paper published in ACS Nano!

May 26 2022

Finally we joined Potluck Picinic after two-years waiting!

Mar 5 2022

We are grateful to be receiving NIH's Trailblazer Award for our work in crazy integrated nucleic-acid detection devices!

Feb 9 2022

We are very happty to welcome a new undergraduate to the lab: Anisha Prathi!

Feb 9 2022

We are very proud of Huilu Bao for winning the School Doctoral Fellowship this year!!

Jan 1 2022

Interested in remote detection of microfluidic flow? Check out Xiaoyu Zhang's paper in Applied Physics Letters!

Sep 1 2021

We are very happy to welcome a new PhD stduent, Huilu bao, and two undergraduate students, Charlotte LaGasse and Henry Chow, to the lab!

Apr 25 2021

We are super grateful to receive the Midigrant from IALS!

Mar 19 2021

Xiaoyu's paper, Flow-sensory contact electrification of graphene was paublished in Nature Communications!

Mar 15 2021

Jinglei is very excited to be a Topic Editor for MDPI Biosensors!

Oct 30 2020

Halloween blackouts!

Apr 14 2020

Attomolar limit for DNA detection! IEEE Sensors.

Nov 01 2019

Jinglei is super psyched to be selected for the AFOSR YIP award.

Aug 23 2019

We are super excited to have two new PhD students in the MIE program, Xiao Fan from BUCT and Xiaoyu Zhang from SUSTC, joining our lab.

Jul 30 2019

Dr. Ping's new book chapter about chemical vapor sensors was just published by Springer.

Jul 08 2019

We had a great Eureka! session today!

Jun 24 2019

We are excited to be funded by USGS through the WRIP program!

Apr 04 2019

We are very grateful to receive funding from DoD CDMRP PRMRP.

Feb 02 2019

Samuel Worrell joins the group, and becomes the lab's first Electrical Engineering student!

Jan 28 2019

The lab is very excited to welcome its newest member, Ashwini Allada, an undergraduate student of MIE.

Jan 17 2019

We are happy to welcome a new PhD student to the lab: Eric Chia.

Sep 01 2018

The professor is in.